Friday, February 17, 2012

#30 Deux Dolls: My wife, the blogger.

Vittoria Hancroft is back to blogging and has brought along her life partner for the
My name is Pizza, and I'm delighted to be here.


Hair: Dura "Girl*30" in Sienna
Skin: Dutch Touch "Jolie"
Eyes: Poetic Colour "Night Rain, Medium"
Makeup: Dutch Touch "Jolie" Beautymarks Moles and Xtra Freckles
Pose:(pda) Black wave/ Bad vibrations

Blouse: U.F.O if "if i lost you" Hondon
Shorts: Tres Blah "Sailor Shorts" in Red
Shoes: Narcotix "Zoe" shoe in Monochrome
Jewelry: Paper Couture "Gold Diamond Pave" Ring
Sunglasses: Tres Blah "Lolita Sun Glasses" in Black

ON PIZZA (Right)

Hair: Lamb "Sweet Pea" in Butter Cake
Skin: Fashionably Dead "Morning Sun" in Matte Cateye 2
Eyes: Tres Blah "Jejune Dark Brown Eyes"
Makeup: Tres Blah "Nail Colour" in Red
Pose:Pose:(pda) Mystery Mail

Blazer: Mon Tissu "Rockaby Blazer" in Khaki
Shirt: Kiedis "Henley neck shirt" in Navy
Pants: Milk Motion "My highwaist wool pants"
Bout: Theosophy "Disserth Bowtie" in Stripe Candy
Belt: LaViere "Long Skirt Blue Stripes Belt"
Socks: League "Gartered Socks -OverKnee-" in Grey
Shoes: COCO "Oxford Shoes" in Patent Black


Picture 1:
{theosophy} "Ilston Sideboard"
{theosophy} "Ilston Candlestick"
(fd) "Indoor Days - Lovers RARE"
(fd) "Indoor Days - Zzz"

Picture 2:
Cheeky Pea "Peboamauk Sofa"

Picture 3:
LISP "Snuggle Blanket" in Blue LISP "Wooly Rug Beige"
LISP "Misty Single Floor Cushion" in Silver

1 comment:

  1. Love it. Great images & wears. My lady & I are both bloggers :)
